YSB gives families the tools they need to support their children

Who We Are

Youth Service Bureau’s mission is to help youth and families learn the skills they need to be more successful at home, in school and throughout their community. Our vision is to be the leader in providing youth and family services throughout the St. Croix Valley.

Chemical Health


Teen brains are at greater risk for developing substance use disorders and addiction. However, that risk decreases each year substance use is delayed during adolescence. That’s why YSB’s chemical health programs focus on prevention, education and early intervention.

Emotional Health


Addressing concerns early to prevent them from growing larger in the future. Counseling sessions help youth and families will develop strategies to resolve immediate problems and prevent future ones. To do this, we build on individual and family strengths and help coordinate services with others.



Addressing concerns early to prevent them from growing larger in the future. Counseling sessions help youth and families will develop strategies to resolve immediate problems and prevent future ones. To do this, we build on individual and family strengths and help coordinate services with others.